HelloHere is my pen picture
I do these things
I design
I currently work on human resources management softwares at the french Ministry of Education.In particular I help in designing a software for data analysis of personal retirement pension accounts.
I code
I write code, most of which is in java or swift language.I encourage continuous delivery. It helps nailing user expectations.
I speak
I write papers, organize events, and speak.I teach how to use software to pension administrators.
Name:  Frantz Epineuse
Nationality:  French
Position:  Software engineer
Email:  arfntz@gmail.com
Gpg:  87459765D2F4D881
Hi, my name is FrantzI got a bunch of Slackware floppy disks on a birthday way back.Since then I've been writing code as a hobbyist, full-time employee in private and public organisations, or just to give something back to the open-source community.My particular interests lie in software design and integration, which I'm currently practicing full-time as I work on pension management information systems.
Things I like+
I'm curious, notably about methods, technology, and organisation.My activity goes from proofs of concepts to production.I had the opportunity to setup a completely new software environment for a software company, xloanFor personnal endeavours I currently experiment here and there with mobile devices and distributed architectures.
I like to go from ideas to shapes, in software technical design, sometime also through network and infrastructure, up to information system urbanization.User Experience is very important to drive my work. I think it's tightly bound to an organization's objectives and culture.I passed the Leading SAFe certification in 2019. Agility methods (Scrum, SAFe) have changed organizations.
I find teaching and training others very rewarding; an opportunity for both teacher and learner to grow their expertise.I practiced teaching to kids and adults, first as animator in summer camps, then as a professional software engineer.I animated courses about software architecture and programming. In 2018 I went back to primary school within a volunteer association, to help children doing their homework.
Sometimes I play piano in a band, for an audience, in venues.The use of instruments and harmony rules for expression in a collective environment depicts well professional situations, where communication and cultural diversity are involved.With bandmates I also experience what teamwork can do.We always learn from feedback.
2018 Public services
For the purpose of furthering my interests in teaching and learning methods, I decided to work towards a Master in Computer Science and Enterprise Management (graduated 2019), while working as a software engineer at the french Ministry of Education, my actual position.
2009 Management
As CTO I managed small teams of developers and lead the cloud transformation for Xloan This was a 9 years cross-disciplinary experience.
2001 Edition
A software company, MCO Finance, hired me as technical guide in rewriting their ERP solution, Xloan This rewrite involved software design from the ground, as well as teaching new methods to co-workers.
2000 with IBM
I joined a team working on a new banking system and gained experience with J2E, designing frameworks, and software integration.
1998 Startup
I started working at a web development agency, where I had the opportunity to more fully develop my skills with LAMP. I also wrote a search engine in perl language.
1996 University
I studied Computer Science at Teesside University in Middlesbrough, UK. I hold a BSc. in Computer Science with first-class honours (graduated 1998).